Ballet Fusion

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Adult Ballet Classes in Newton Abbot, Devon

Ballet Fusion Classes - Newton Abbot, Devon.

Ballet Fusion Newton Abbot classes are held at King Street Studios / Karate Academy, Newton Abbot.

Classes are one hour long. As this studio is just off the town centre, parking is limited and we recommend parking in one of the town centre car parks such as Cricketfields, which is a 4 minute walk from the studio.

What is Ballet Fusion?

Ballet Fusion is adult ballet with a focus on fitness, strength, toning, improved posture and balance. All the exercises are based on the traditional principles of classical ballet but we’ve modified them to make them safe, more impactful and more appropriate for adults. We’ve also thrown in some new moves and additional core work to really help posture and balance. Something nearly all of us could do with!

Unlike traditional ballet classes or children’s classes, we won’t ask you to do anything on your own while the rest of the class watch, we won’t single you out and we won’t ask you to perform any embarrassing or complicated moves.

Focus is on fun, friendly and challenging but achievable movements which will benefit you in the best possible ways.

Who is Ballet Fusion for?

Ballet Fusion is for everyone! Whether you’ve never done ballet before or danced for most of your life, Ballet Fusion will benefit you. Your teacher will modify movements to increase or decrease difficulty depending upon you and the wider class but even the most simple of exercises are hugely beneficial and will leave you with that lovely burn which means you’ve worked those muscles brilliantly!

Why is Ballet Fusion / adult ballet so good for you?

Great question! We all know that ballerinas have super strong physiques but there’s much more to it than strength and a slim frame. Ballet Fusion can dramatically help many things:

  • Tone, strengthen & lengthen muscles

  • Increase flexibility

  • Improve posture & balance

  • Improve lymph drainage

  • Improve balance & core strength

  • Increase brain stimulation, focus & relieve stress

Is Ballet Fusion safe?

Yes. Whilst classical ballet is generally quite safe, there are a few moves and positions which can be a little more worrisome for adults - especially for those with old or underlying injuries or weaknesses. Ballet Fusion aims to avoid chance of injury and maintain safe positions and movements which will strengthen muscles and related joint support.

What if I have current or old injuries?

It’s really important that you inform your instructor of any old or current injuries you have - especially knee, hip or ankle issues. Having said that, many of our exercises will be great for promoting the healing of older injuries and increasing muscle strength around joints. Just make sure you let your instructor know and don’t continue if any moves hurt or twist your joints.

It’s absolutely fine to skip an exercise if you feel uncertain or uncomfortable and we encourage attendees to take a break at any time.

What should I wear to Ballet Fusion classes?

For feet we ask that you wear soft ballet shoes (not pointe shoes) or socks.

Wear clothing that you can move easily and comfortably in. We’ll be doing deep bends so lycra leggings or tights are perfect. It’s adult ballet so if you love the leotard and tights look, go for it but if not, a plain old t-shirt or gym top will do perfectly. And we’re big advocates of leg warmers for warming up. They don’t just look great, they also keep those muscles nice and toasty!

What is the class like?

At the start of each class, we warm up at the barre. We then stay at the barre for exercises which work our legs, ankles, core and arms (actually, most barre exercises are great all-rounders and work everything!). Barre exercises can last for 30 to 45 mins.

After the barre, we move into the centre for more leg, arm, core and back work.

We stretch throughout the whole class. We build stretching into most of our exercises but we then finish with one final lovely stretch and cool down before we finish.

All exercises are done to a mixture of classical and contemporary music. We aim to stay as relaxed as possible throughout class - even when we’re working hard and breaking into a perspiration glow!

Your instructor will be friendly and approachable so don’t be afraid to speak up at any point in the class with questions or comments. We welcome lots of new students every week and we really hope to see you there!


  • King Street Studios / Karate Academy, King St, Newton Abbot TQ12 2LG

  • For all ages and abilities.

  • Suitable if you’ve never done ballet before or have plenty of experience.

  • Tone, strengthen, increase flexibility and improve posture.

  • Wear ballet shoes or socks & comfy work out clothing you can stretch in.

  • £9 per class.